Computing Automata

Formal definitions for different classes of automata;
Part of my notes from ITEC 420 "Computability Theory and Formal Languages" at Radford University, Fall 2015

Finite State Machines

Finite State Machines (FSM) accept regular languages and can be either deterministic or nondeterministic. (Though, we can prove by construction that the two varieties are of equal computing power - an equivalent deterministic FSM can be constructed for any given nondeterministic one.)


Determinstic Finite State Machine (DFSM), a.k.a. Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA)

Formal description

A 5-tuple \(( K, \Sigma, \delta, s, A )\)

It is important for the machine to be deterministic that \(\delta\) be a function - for each state, there will be exactly one transition outbound from the state for each symbol in the input alphabet, and every transition will consume one character from the input string.

Computation w/ DFSMs


A configuration is an element of \(K \times \Sigma^*\): a 2-tuple (State, String) that represents the current state of the machine and the input left ot be read. The initial configuration is \((s_M, w)\); sM is the start state of machine M and w is the whole input string.


One configuration yields another configuration in a single step if there is a transition from the state of the first configuration to the state of the second configuration that consumes the first character of the input string from the first configuration:

\((q_1, c w) \vdash_M (q_2, w) \iff ((q_1, c), q_2) \in \delta\)

Then we can define yields for any number of intermediate steps: \(\vdash_{M^*}\) (It is the transitive, reflexive closure of \(\vdash_M\).) \(C_1 \vdash_{M^*} C_2\) means that M can go from C1 to C2 in zero or more steps.


A computation is a finite sequence of configurations where:


The computation ends when the entire input has been read; a machine accepts a string if the computation ends in an accept state, and rejects the string otherwise.

The language accepted by M (denoted L(M)) is the set of all strings accepted by M


Nondeterministic Finite State Machine (NDFSM), a.k.a. Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA)

Formal description

A 5-tuple \(( K, \Sigma, \Delta, s, A )\)

The only difference between the formal definitions of an DFA and NFA is \(\delta\) vs. \(\Delta\). \(\delta\) is a function (it has the property that no element of the domain will map to more than one element in the codomain). \(\Delta\) is a relation (a broader category than a function, because it allows the same element in the domain to map to multiple elements of the co-domain). This is what makes Nondeterministic FSMs nondeterministic - in some configurations there may be an arbitrary choice of which state to proceed to next.

Also note that \(\Delta\) allows for transitions on \(\epsilon\) - transitioning on the empty string. Taking such a transition changes states but consumes no input.

Computation w/ NDFSMs

Configurations, the Yields relation, and Computations are defined like for deterministic FSMs. The difference is in how we exploit nondeterminism and in how we define accept and reject.

Since an NDFSM contains arbitrary transition choices, we can think of simulating an NDFSM by running all possible computations for a particular input string an parallel. Then we say that:

Push-Down Automata

Push-Down Automata (PDA) are similar to FSMs, but include a stack structure which can be manipulated as the machine transitions. Like FSMs, they can be either deterministic or non-deterministic. However, unlike FSMs the two types are not equivalent in power. Nondeterministic PDAs can solve problems which cannot be solved by deterministic ones.

We do not distinguish between deterministic and nondeterministic PDAs in formal definition, only by inspection and in the process of computation - a PDA is deterministic if there are no ambiguous choices in any configuration.

Formal description

A 6-tuple \(( K, \Sigma, \Gamma, \Delta, A, s )\)

That transition relation needs some unpacking. In short, each element is a nested tuple: ((A, B, C), (D, E))

When drawing the machine, the transition arrows between states are labelled "B/C/E" - to take the transition, symbol B must be at the front of the input string and symbol(s) C must be at the top of the stack. When transitioning, C will be popped and E will be pushed.

Note that any of B, C, or E can be \(\epsilon\) - a transition may read nothing from the input string, pop nothing from the stack, or push nothing onto the stack. The equivalent of a fully "empty" \(\epsilon\) transition as in an NDFSM is "\(\epsilon/\epsilon/\epsilon\)".


TODO (as with FSMs) - distinctive points - stack manipulation, more info in configuration, differences in accepting rejecting, possibility of neither accepting nor rejecting

Turing Machines

TODO: some words here

Like an FSM with an unbounded tape

Formal description

A 6-tuple \(( K, \Sigma, \Gamma, s, H, \delta )\)

The transition function (ahem - function) looks complicated but breaks down similarly to PDAs. Each member is a nested tuple: ((A, B), (C, D, E))

Each transition in a drawing of a Turing Machine (when not using a macro language) is labelled "B/D/E", e.g. \(b/\_/\leftarrow\) (to take the transition, must read a 'b', write a blank, then move one space to the left).


TODO ... probably too much to cover here but try to summarize?