This is a rolling list of programming languages I want to learn. Many of them I have read about already to varying degrees, but haven't yet practiced or used for a complete piece of software.
So many languages, so little time!
Presented in no particular order and with no claims regarding accuracy.
- Functional
- Compiled
- Static typing
- Erlang's BEAM and Actors
- Comprehensive tooling a-la Go
- Inclusive community
- Highly embeddable Lisp; project reminds me of Lua in a good way
- Almost no setup required, and good Windows support
- Can compile to standalone executables
- Standard library and runtime include a lot of stuff not found in similarly-tiny scripting languages:
- Threads ("lightweight" / "green" threads)
- an event loop
- subprocess handling
- networking
- Parsing expression grammars
Repeat, PEGs are built right in to the language. Sweet.
Janet for Mortals - a real book by Ian Henry
- Competes w/ C ("robust, optimal, reusable")
- Explicit allocation / memory management
- Features focus on simplicity (no preprocessor, text macros, or hidden control flow)
- "Comptime" - compilation-time function execution and type manipulation
- ...zig compiler can compile C, so you can mix C/C++/Zig in one project